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What was your route into Linklaters?

I studied law at the University of Johannesburg and I wanted an international career. Along came Linklaters and so I came to London through the firm’s Africa Clerkship programme. At the end of the programme, I was offered the opportunity of a lifetime to join Linklaters as a Trainee.

What motivates you about client work?

As a trainee, I've been able to answer even seemingly simple questions for some of our biggest clients! This has been an exciting experience, less than two years into my career, and knowing my small contribution can make a difference inspires me every day.

I think what distinguishes the firm’s approach to client work is our positive attitude, meticulous attention to detail and collaborative mindset. The training that we get at Linklaters gives the confidence needed to start as an Associate.

"I think what distinguishes the firm’s approach to client work is our positive attitude, meticulous attention to detail and collaborative mindset."

What are the career and development opportunities in place to achieve your full potential?

The firm has a personal approach to training and equipping trainees for life as a lawyer. In my first seat, I felt unsure about what I was doing but received hands on guidance from my principal to discuss areas of focus and how to grow and develop. I've then been able to implement these throughout my training contract. Having a solid base from the get go really helps you to excel in your career.

Have you done any pro bono work so far?

I've worked on three big pro bono matters since my first seat. I've worked on the Amicus project and the Windrush compensation scheme application. These are interesting, but also challenging as you meet real people with very difficult lived experiences. I've also worked with Lawyers without Borders on some Africa focused projects, which was exciting as I'm from Zimbabwe.